Products & Accessories

Gas Logs & Accessories
I love a good, hot fire. But nowadays you don’t even have to use wood to have the crackle, smell, and heat of a fire. If you’ve been thinking about getting gas logs but haven’t wanted to because you don’t like how they look you should check these out – they’ve gotten so good at imitating real fires they even fool me sometimes!

Chimney Caps
I’ve sold many caps to customers who call me out to get a critter (or critters) out of their chimney or to replace a rusted damper.

Although a chimney cap can prevent water from getting into your chimney, sometimes dampers rust and need to be replaced. If you call me out to clean your chimney this is one thing I check when I do my 15-point inspection.

Pennsylvania Fire Back
I have one of these in my fireplace. It protects my chimney and increases the heat of my fire. I would recommend a fire back for anyone who loves to relax by a fire on a cold night.